It was the night when he was betrayed. Jesus knew of the betrayal and that soon he would be crucified, die, be
buried and rise from the dead. He knew it and he also knew that soon thereafter he would be removed from the earth not
to return until the day of Judgement.
As always, Jesus thought of his followers. He thought of the twelve but he also thought of all those millions who
in future years would believe in Him. He thought of you.
He wanted to be with them, personally and powerfully. And he had a way.
So he took the bread of the passover and he consecrated it not only in memory of the great passover but in memory of
his passover from life to death and from death to life.
And then he took the cup of wine and he consecrated it as an everlasting memorial to the shedding of his own blood for
our salvation.
With his consecration of the bread as his body and the wine as his blood Jesus instituted an eternally valid presentation
of what he was about to do. He was about to die for the sins of the world. And every time his followers took the bread
and took the wine, they would be presenting that sacrifice in eternal memory until he would come again.