Jesus goes to the mountain with his trusted three, Peter, James and John. He goes there for them but also for himself.
He is in need of power from God. He needs the companionship with the Father that was His from the beginning. He
needs communion.
Jesus gains this communion through the power of prayer. He goes apart from the trusted three in order to pray.
The reward for His prayer is the Shechinah Yahweh, the cloud of God. It is the evidence of God's personal powerful
presence. He comes in answer to prayer. He comes for his son Jesus. He comes because he is asked to come.
And Jesus is transfigured. He is filled with the sunshine of the Father. He is renewed by the inflow of the
Fathers godly power. He is refreshed by companionship with his Father. He is in common union (communion) with
Believers need companionship. They are in need of a power from God that will energize and sustain them. In
holy communion believers get the same experience of transfiguration that Jesus experienced on the mountain. God comes
to us with his Shechinah and over shadows us with his personal powerful presence. He does it because we have done what
Jesus told us to do, namely, to eat of his body and to drink of his blood.
When we go to Church and when we partake of the Holy Sacrament of Eucharist, we have communion with him. He promised
that where two or three are gathered together in my name that he is in the midst of them. He told his disciples to "do
This" everytime you gather in remembrance of me.